Big business experience, small business approach.
For over fifty years, Steer has partnered with clients across diverse industries to provide solid insurance broking advice and innovative risk-management solutions.
We are small, nimble and privately held, which means we are fundamentally structured to focus on your interests. Our clients are local, national and global. They include some of the world’s leaders in business and industry.

Modern solutions for modern risks
When the marketplace doesn’t offer what is required, we create a better way. We leverage strong relationships with insurance providers to find innovative coverage at cost-effective pricing.

Real industry expertise
Our team has deep bench strength across a broad range of industries. Our combined experience helps us find the best solutions, which often include highly specialized underwriting.

Your trust is earned, not expected
We work in your interest. We are not tied to commissions, specific insurers or tradition. We’d rather do what’s right than do what’s always been done.

A local approach to global business
We serve local, national and international firms with interests in Canada. Whether you’re located in Toronto, Calgary, New York or Munich, you’ll feel like we’re just down the street.